La investigación muestra que los pacientes con exceso de peso se sienten estigmatizados en muchas áreas de su vida, incluidos los centros de atención sanitaria.16
El lenguaje que use y el ambiente de la consulta son componentes clave del éxito en el control del peso.
Se han realizado varios estudios para investigar qué términos prefieren los médicos y las personas con obesidad al hablar de la obesidad. A continuación hay una tabla orientativa que muestra las palabras que se deben evitar y el lenguaje preferible.17,18
Las personas con obesidad pueden experimentar prejuicios y estigma social por su peso en una variedad de entornos, uno de los cuales es la consulta de un médico. Usted puede ayudar a combatir este problema garantizando que su consulta esté amueblada adecuadamente para las personas con obesidad.19
– Pídales que se pongan de pie mirando hacia usted.
– Deles un extremo de la cinta métrica y pídales que lo sujeten en el ombligo.
– Pídales que den una vuelta de modo que la cinta rodee la cintura.
– Sujete ambos extremos de la cinta y ajústela para garantizar que se encuentra al nivel de la parte superior de los huesos de la cadera y registre su perímetro de cintura.
Jensen MD, Ryan DH, Apovian CM, et al. 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS guideline for the management of overweight and obesity in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and The Obesity Society. Circulation. 2014; 129:S102–138.
Pollak K, Ostby T, Alexander S, et al. Empathy goes a long way in weight loss discussions. The Journal of Family Practice. 2007; 56:1031–1036.
Rose SA, Poynter PS, Anderson JW, et al. Physician weight loss advice and patient weight loss behavior change: a literature review and meta-analysis of survey data. International Journal of Obesity. 2013; 37:118–128.
Golden A, Dhurandhar NV, Jinnett K, et al. Insights and Perceptions of Obesity Management in People with Obesity: Results of the National ACTION Study. ObesityWeek. 2016.
Vallis M, Piccinini-Vallis H, Sharma A, et al. Modified 5As. Canadian Family Physician. 2013; 59:27–31.
Kushner R. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice: Case Studies in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion—Assessment and Management of Adult Obesity: A Primer for Physicians. Booklet 2: Evaluating your patients for overweight or obesity. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association; 2003.
Must A, Spadano J, Coakley EH, et al. The disease burden associated with overweight and obesity. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1999; 282:1523–1529.
Seagle H, Witt Strain G, Makris A, et al. Position of the American Dietetic Association: weight management. American Dietetic Association 2009; 109:330–346.
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Kushner R. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice: Case Studies in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion—Assessment and Management of Adult Obesity: A Primer for Physicians. Booklet 4: Dietary management. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association; 2003.
Kushner R. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice: Case Studies in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion—Assessment and Management of Adult Obesity: A Primer for Physicians. Booklet 5: Physical activity management. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association; 2003.
Fabricatore A. Behavior Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Obesity: Is There a Difference? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2007; 107:92–99.
Frühbeck G, Sbraccia P, Nisoli E. 2015 Milan Declaration: A Call to Action on Obesity – an EASO Position Statement on the Occasion of the 2015 EXPO. Obesity Facts. 2016; 9:296-298.
American Medical Association. A.M.A Adopts New Policies on Second Day of Voting at Annual Meeting. Obesity as a Disease. Disponible en:,c9430649. Último acceso: febrero de 2022
Bray GA, Kim KK, Wilding JPH, et al. Obesity: a chronic relapsing progressive disease process. A position statement of the World Obesity Federation. Obes Rev. 2017; 18:715–723.
Puhl RM, Andreyeva T, Brownell. Perceptions of weight discrimination: prevalence and comparison to race and gender discrimination in America. International Journal of Obesity. 2008; 32:992–1000.
Wadden T, Didie E. What’s in a Name? Patients’ Preferred Terms for Describing Obesity. Obesity Research. 2003; 11:1140–1146.
Volger S, Vetter M, Dougherty M, et al. Patients’ Preferred Terms for Describing Their Excess Weight: Discussing Obesity in Clinical Practice. Obesity. 2012; 20:147–150.
Obesity Action Coalition. Understanding Obesity Stigma. Disponible en: Last accessed July 2018.
NHLBI. The Practical Guide Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Disponible en: Último acceso: julio de 2018.